Man CBD oil is everywhere? Does it really cure everything? Is it safe to take? What can it be used for that we know right now? Any side eff

Gall Bladder Issues
Is that my gall bladder? What can I do to my diet to prevent this awful pain? Do I really need surgery? What side effects come after surgery

Canola Oil
Is conola oil healthy or not? Man that is the question. Watch and maybe we can help you make heads or tails of this.

Vitamin D
Ever worried about your vitamin D level and how to replace it? Watch this video to learn more.

Iron and Iron Deficiency
Are you feeling run down and people have told you that you look pale? Maybe it is iron deficiency? There are so many reasons to have this an

Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Have you been told you have B12 deficiency and are wondering what diet modifications you can make to improve this? Maybe you wonder about su

Oh man! This video made me tired just making it...hehehe....What are the common causes of fatigue? What can I do to help with fatigue? zzzz

How does sodium affect my blood pressure and heart? How much sodium is ok? How do I lower the sodium in my diet? Will lowering the sodium in

How much magnesium do I need? Should I take a supplement or get it in my food? Which foods are best? Which supplements are best? All these a

Calcium Episode 2
Are calcium supplements safe? How much should I take? How can I get calcium from my food? What does calcium interact with? All these an more